IT Support

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I signed up and paid for membership. When will I get access to the ANUMSS Google Drive and Study Resources Website?

Signing up does not automatically create your ANUMSS account. The IT Officer must manually upload your information to allow Google Drive access and create your Study Resources Website account. New memberships are typically processed in batches for efficiency, each weekend. If you do not have access the Monday following your registration, please get in contact with the IT Officer.

I signed up and paid for membership and waited until the following Monday but still cannot access the ANUMSS Google Drive.

Did you provide a Gmail on sign-up as required? If not, you need to create a Gmail account (if you do not already have one) and then email the IT Officer with your name, student number, email used on sign-up, and Gmail to update your account with.

If you provided a Gmail on sign-up, please contact the IT Officer as there may have been a delay or error in processing your registration.

I signed up and paid for membership and waited until the following Monday but still cannot access the ANUMSS Study Resources Website.

Have you tried using the “login via Gmail” function and signed in via the Gmail you provided on membership sign-up?

If you did not provide a Gmail on sign-up, you need to create a Gmail account (if you do not already have one) and then email the IT Officer with your name, student number, email used on sign-up, and Gmail to update your account with.

If you provided a Gmail on sign-up and still cannot log in to the Study Resources Website via this Gmail, please contact the IT Officer as there may have been a delay or error in processing your registration.

I was recently elected to a new ANUMSS committee or subcommittee position. How do I access my ANUMSS Gmail account?

A password reset link will be sent to your ANU student email as soon as possible after the election results have been released. Keep an eye on your ANU student email as this link expires after 48hrs. If you have not received a link within two weeks of the election, please contact the IT Officer.

Some subcommittee positions are, at the discretion of each subcommittee, not provided with official ANUMSS emails. If this applies to your position and you believe that you require an official ANUMSS Gmail account, this can be arranged with approval from your subcommittee president.

I was recently elected to a new ANUMSS committee or subcommittee position. How do I access my ANUMSS Committee/Subcommittee Google Drive?

Login to Google Drive via your ANUMSS email (you will need to have already had access transferred as above). You will be able to view any shared or personal Google Drive accounts associated with your position. If something you are looking for is not there, contact the previous holder of your position (or president of your committee/subcommittee) for assistance.

Some subcommittee positions are, at the discretion of each subcommittee, not provided with official ANUMSS emails. In these cases, the subcommittee’s president and/or subcommittee IT officer (if there is one) is responsible for granting subcommittee Google Drive access via the personal Gmail accounts of relevant subcommittee position holders. Please contact your subcommittee president and/or subcommittee IT officer for assistance.

I am an ANUMSS Committee or Subcommittee member and need access to a 3rd party resource (e.g., Canva) for my role.

Contact the IT Officer and they may be able to provide you with access.

Can I get access to the ANUMSS Google Drive without registering and paying for ANUMSS membership?

Unfortunately not.

I am having trouble accessing/using my ANU email or calendar.

ANUMSS only manages emails for position holders and access of ANUMSS members to the ANUMSS resources via their personal Gmail accounts. If you are having trouble with ANU IT resources, please contact ANU directly (e.g., ANU Service Desk, ANU SMP), not ANUMSS IT.

Further IT support

ANU Service Desk

ANU Service Desk
For general ANU-related IT issues.


ANU School of Medicine & Psychology (SMP)
For SMP-related IT issues


For ANU Medical Students’ Society-related IT issues 

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